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Carolina Martin Ramos - Justicia Digna, LLC

Ms. Carolina Martin Ramos

Justicia Digna, LLC
600 Central Avenue SE
Suite 237

Albuquerque, NM 87102

Carolina Martin Ramos is the Managing Attorney & owner of Justicia Digna, LLC. She believes in una justicia digna. This means that she believes in treating her clients with dignity & respect and is committed to protecting their rights with honor. Carolina is recognized as a fierce & compassionate advocate. She has a big heart & fights hard for her clients. Carolina speaks Spanish fluently and speaks limited Mandarin & Cantonese. Ms. Ramos offers her cients ahas a high level of cultural competence that translated into better advocacy and strong relationships with Justicia Digna clients.

Carolina has a meaningful understanding of the systemic problems that her clients face. She has worked to advance civil rights & human rights for decades. Carolina’s mother is an immigrant from Mexico and her stepmother emigrated to the U.S. from Shanghai, China. She has lived in New Mexico, California, Texas, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Guangzhou & Europe. 

Carolina has grown up in a mixed status family and has a deep and personal understanding of the issues facing the individuals and families she represents. As a Mestiza of Mexican and Cherokee heritage, Ms. Ramos has a special interest in the unique issues facing indigenous migrants. 

Previously, Carolina Martin Ramos was an immigration attorney with the Law Office of John W. Lawit. The Law Office of John W. Lawit is a well recognized immigration law firm founded in 1980. The firm helped clients from nearly every country in the world, within the full spectrum of immigration law. The firm has represented individuals, families, small businesses and some of New Mexico's largest institutions and corporations. Carolina managed the family based immigration division at John Lawit, PC and focused her practice on family based immigration, litigation & post-conviction relief. 

Prior to working in private practice, Carolina Martin Ramos served as Immigration Counsel for the State of New Mexico Public Defender Department. She is recognized for her special knowledge and experience dealing with the immigration consequences of guilty pleas and criminal convictions. She is one of very few attorneys in New Mexico who has done significant work in the area of “crimmigration”. 

Carolina was charged with the development of the Rio Grande Immigrant Defense Project and focused on creating statewide systemic change within the NM Public Defender Dept. to ensure that the NMPD Dept. was providing immigrant clients with effective assistance of counsel as required under Padilla v. Kentucky. Her role at the NM Public Defender Dept. aspired to establish best practices for protecting the rights of indigent immigrant clients in NM. Her work included analysis of immigration consequences of guilty pleas & criminal convictions, development of databases and systems for identifying immigrant clients and training for attorneys and paralegals in the northern part of the state.

Carolina also practiced criminal defense as an Assistant Public Defender in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a criminal defense attorney she has managed diverse cases & represented clients at all stages of litigation including numerous trials & appeals. 

Carolina Martin Ramos is often invited to speak at community & professional events. She is co-author of an article published by the United Nations Interregional crime & Research Institute (UNICRI) and has authored articles for the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (NMCDLA). 

Immigration Attorney, Carolina Martin Ramos can be reached at the offices of Justicia Digna. LLC at 505-433-7523. Justicia Digna, LLC only accepts immigration cases and limited criminal matters. We believe in working at being the best at immigration and crimmigration matters by only focusing in these areas.